TableGen Language Reference


This document is extremely rough. If you find something lacking, please fix it, file a documentation bug, or ask about it on llvm-dev.


This document is meant to be a normative spec about the TableGen language in and of itself (i.e. how to understand a given construct in terms of how it affects the final set of records represented by the TableGen file). If you are unsure if this document is really what you are looking for, please read the introduction to TableGen first.


The lexical and syntax notation used here is intended to imitate Python’s. In particular, for lexical definitions, the productions operate at the character level and there is no implied whitespace between elements. The syntax definitions operate at the token level, so there is implied whitespace between tokens.

Lexical Analysis

TableGen supports BCPL (// ...) and nestable C-style (/* ... */) comments.

The following is a listing of the basic punctuation tokens:

- + [ ] { } ( ) < > : ; .  = ? #

Numeric literals take one of the following forms:

TokInteger     ::=  DecimalInteger | HexInteger | BinInteger
DecimalInteger ::=  ["+" | "-"] ("0"..."9")+
HexInteger     ::=  "0x" ("0"..."9" | "a"..."f" | "A"..."F")+
BinInteger     ::=  "0b" ("0" | "1")+

One aspect to note is that the DecimalInteger token includes the + or -, as opposed to having + and - be unary operators as most languages do.

Also note that BinInteger creates a value of type bits<n> (where n is the number of bits). This will implicitly convert to integers when needed.

TableGen has identifier-like tokens:

ualpha        ::=  "a"..."z" | "A"..."Z" | "_"
TokIdentifier ::=  ("0"..."9")* ualpha (ualpha | "0"..."9")*
TokVarName    ::=  "$" ualpha (ualpha |  "0"..."9")*

Note that unlike most languages, TableGen allows TokIdentifier to begin with a number. In case of ambiguity, a token will be interpreted as a numeric literal rather than an identifier.

TableGen also has two string-like literals:

TokString       ::=  '"' <non-'"' characters and C-like escapes> '"'
TokCodeFragment ::=  "[{" <shortest text not containing "}]"> "}]"

TokCodeFragment is essentially a multiline string literal delimited by [{ and }].


The current implementation accepts the following C-like escapes:

\\ \' \" \t \n

TableGen also has the following keywords:

bit   bits      class   code         dag
def   foreach   defm    field        in
int   let       list    multiclass   string

TableGen also has “bang operators” which have a wide variety of meanings:

BangOperator ::=  one of
                 !eq     !if      !head    !tail      !con
                 !add    !shl     !sra     !srl       !and
                 !or     !empty   !subst   !foreach   !strconcat
                 !cast   !listconcat       !size      !foldl
                 !isa    !dag     !le      !lt        !ge
                 !gt     !ne


TableGen has an include mechanism. It does not play a role in the syntax per se, since it is lexically replaced with the contents of the included file.

IncludeDirective ::=  "include" TokString

TableGen’s top-level production consists of “objects”.

TableGenFile ::=  Object*
Object       ::=  Class | Def | Defm | Defset | Let | MultiClass |


Class           ::=  "class" TokIdentifier [TemplateArgList] ObjectBody
TemplateArgList ::=  "<" Declaration ("," Declaration)* ">"

A class declaration creates a record which other records can inherit from. A class can be parametrized by a list of “template arguments”, whose values can be used in the class body.

A given class can only be defined once. A class declaration is considered to define the class if any of the following is true:

  1. The TemplateArgList is present.

  2. The Body in the ObjectBody is present and is not empty.

  3. The BaseClassList in the ObjectBody is present.

You can declare an empty class by giving and empty TemplateArgList and an empty ObjectBody. This can serve as a restricted form of forward declaration: note that records deriving from the forward-declared class will inherit no fields from it since the record expansion is done when the record is parsed.

Every class has an implicit template argument called NAME, which is set to the name of the instantiating def or defm. The result is undefined if the class is instantiated by an anonymous record.


The declaration syntax is pretty much what you would expect as a C++ programmer.

Declaration ::=  Type TokIdentifier ["=" Value]

It assigns the value to the identifier.


Type    ::=  "string" | "code" | "bit" | "int" | "dag"
            | "bits" "<" TokInteger ">"
            | "list" "<" Type ">"
            | ClassID
ClassID ::=  TokIdentifier

Both string and code correspond to the string type; the difference is purely to indicate programmer intention.

The ClassID must identify a class that has been previously declared or defined.


Value       ::=  SimpleValue ValueSuffix*
ValueSuffix ::=  "{" RangeList "}"
                | "[" RangeList "]"
                | "." TokIdentifier
RangeList   ::=  RangePiece ("," RangePiece)*
RangePiece  ::=  TokInteger
                | TokInteger "-" TokInteger
                | TokInteger TokInteger

The peculiar last form of RangePiece is due to the fact that the “-” is included in the TokInteger, hence 1-5 gets lexed as two consecutive TokInteger’s, with values 1 and -5, instead of “1”, “-“, and “5”. The RangeList can be thought of as specifying “list slice” in some contexts.

SimpleValue has a number of forms:

SimpleValue ::=  TokIdentifier

The value will be the variable referenced by the identifier. It can be one of:

  • name of a def, such as the use of Bar in:

    def Bar : SomeClass {
      int X = 5;
    def Foo {
      SomeClass Baz = Bar;
  • value local to a def, such as the use of Bar in:

    def Foo {
      int Bar = 5;
      int Baz = Bar;

    Values defined in superclasses can be accessed the same way.

  • a template arg of a class, such as the use of Bar in:

    class Foo<int Bar> {
      int Baz = Bar;
  • value local to a class, such as the use of Bar in:

    class Foo {
      int Bar = 5;
      int Baz = Bar;
  • a template arg to a multiclass, such as the use of Bar in:

    multiclass Foo<int Bar> {
      def : SomeClass<Bar>;
  • the iteration variable of a foreach, such as the use of i in:

    foreach i = 0-5 in
    def Foo#i;
  • a variable defined by defset

  • the implicit template argument NAME in a class or multiclass

SimpleValue ::=  TokInteger

This represents the numeric value of the integer.

SimpleValue ::=  TokString+

Multiple adjacent string literals are concatenated like in C/C++. The value is the concatenation of the strings.

SimpleValue ::=  TokCodeFragment

The value is the string value of the code fragment.

SimpleValue ::=  "?"

? represents an “unset” initializer.

SimpleValue ::=  "{" ValueList "}"
ValueList   ::=  [ValueListNE]
ValueListNE ::=  Value ("," Value)*

This represents a sequence of bits, as would be used to initialize a bits<n> field (where n is the number of bits).

SimpleValue ::=  ClassID "<" ValueListNE ">"

This generates a new anonymous record definition (as would be created by an unnamed def inheriting from the given class with the given template arguments) and the value is the value of that record definition.

SimpleValue ::=  "[" ValueList "]" ["<" Type ">"]

A list initializer. The optional Type can be used to indicate a specific element type, otherwise the element type will be deduced from the given values.

SimpleValue ::=  "(" DagArg [DagArgList] ")"
DagArgList  ::=  DagArg ("," DagArg)*
DagArg      ::=  Value [":" TokVarName] | TokVarName

The initial DagArg is called the “operator” of the dag.

SimpleValue ::=  BangOperator ["<" Type ">"] "(" ValueListNE ")"


ObjectBody      ::=  BaseClassList Body
BaseClassList   ::=  [":" BaseClassListNE]
BaseClassListNE ::=  SubClassRef ("," SubClassRef)*
SubClassRef     ::=  (ClassID | MultiClassID) ["<" ValueList ">"]
DefmID          ::=  TokIdentifier

The version with the MultiClassID is only valid in the BaseClassList of a defm. The MultiClassID should be the name of a multiclass.

It is after parsing the base class list that the “let stack” is applied.

Body     ::=  ";" | "{" BodyList "}"
BodyList ::=  BodyItem*
BodyItem ::=  Declaration ";"
             | "let" TokIdentifier [ "{" RangeList "}" ] "=" Value ";"

The let form allows overriding the value of an inherited field.


Def ::=  "def" [Value] ObjectBody

Defines a record whose name is given by the optional Value. The value is parsed in a special mode where global identifiers (records and variables defined by defset) are not recognized, and all unrecognized identifiers are interpreted as strings.

If no name is given, the record is anonymous. The final name of anonymous records is undefined, but globally unique.

Special handling occurs if this def appears inside a multiclass or a foreach.

When a non-anonymous record is defined in a multiclass and the given name does not contain a reference to the implicit template argument NAME, such a reference will automatically be prepended. That is, the following are equivalent inside a multiclass:

def Foo;
def NAME#Foo;


Defm ::=  "defm" [Value] ":" BaseClassListNE ";"

The BaseClassList is a list of at least one multiclass and any number of class’s. The multiclass’s must occur before any class’s.

Instantiates all records defined in all given multiclass’s and adds the given class’s as superclasses.

The name is parsed in the same special mode used by def. If the name is missing, a globally unique string is used instead (but instantiated records are not considered to be anonymous, unless they were originally defined by an anonymous def) That is, the following have different semantics:

defm : SomeMultiClass<...>;    // some globally unique name
defm "" : SomeMultiClass<...>; // empty name string

When it occurs inside a multiclass, the second variant is equivalent to defm NAME : .... More generally, when defm occurs in a multiclass and its name does not contain a reference to the implicit template argument NAME, such a reference will automatically be prepended. That is, the following are equivalent inside a multiclass:

defm Foo : SomeMultiClass<...>;
defm NAME#Foo : SomeMultiClass<...>;


Defset ::=  "defset" Type TokIdentifier "=" "{" Object* "}"

All records defined inside the braces via def and defm are collected in a globally accessible list of the given name (in addition to being added to the global collection of records as usual). Anonymous records created inside initializier expressions using the Class<args...> syntax are never collected in a defset.

The given type must be list<A>, where A is some class. It is an error to define a record (via def or defm) inside the braces which doesn’t derive from A.


Foreach            ::=  "foreach" ForeachDeclaration "in" "{" Object* "}"
                       | "foreach" ForeachDeclaration "in" Object
ForeachDeclaration ::=  ID "=" ( "{" RangeList "}" | RangePiece | Value )

The value assigned to the variable in the declaration is iterated over and the object or object list is reevaluated with the variable set at each iterated value.

Note that the productions involving RangeList and RangePiece have precedence over the more generic value parsing based on the first token.

Top-Level let

Let     ::=   "let" LetList "in" "{" Object* "}"
            | "let" LetList "in" Object
LetList ::=  LetItem ("," LetItem)*
LetItem ::=  TokIdentifier [RangeList] "=" Value

This is effectively equivalent to let inside the body of a record except that it applies to multiple records at a time. The bindings are applied at the end of parsing the base classes of a record.


MultiClass         ::=  "multiclass" TokIdentifier [TemplateArgList]
                        [":" BaseMultiClassList] "{" MultiClassObject+ "}"
BaseMultiClassList ::=  MultiClassID ("," MultiClassID)*
MultiClassID       ::=  TokIdentifier
MultiClassObject   ::=  Def | Defm | Let | Foreach