
Symbols | C | L | T


command line option
command line option, [1]
--check-prefix prefix
command line option
--check-prefixes prefix1,prefix2,...
command line option
command line option
command line option
--debug-abbrev, --debug-aranges, --debug-cu-index, --debug-frame [=<offset>], --debug-gnu-pubnames, --debug-gnu-pubtypes, --debug-info [=<offset>], --debug-line [=<offset>], --debug-loc [=<offset>], --debug-macro, --debug-pubnames, --debug-pubtypes, --debug-ranges, --debug-str, --debug-str-offsets, --debug-tu-index, --debug-types, --eh-frame, --gdb-index, --apple-names, --apple-types, --apple-namespaces, --apple-objc
command line option
--debug-syms, -a
llvm-nm command line option
llvm-nm command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
--dynamic, -D
llvm-nm command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
--extern-only, -g
llvm-nm command line option
command line option
--format=format, -f format
llvm-nm command line option
llvm-cov-gcov command line option
--implicit-check-not check-pattern
command line option
--input-file filename
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
--no-sort, -p
llvm-nm command line option
command line option
--no-weak, -W
llvm-nm command line option
command line option
--numeric-sort, -n, -v
llvm-nm command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
--print-file-name, -A, -o
llvm-nm command line option
command line option
--print-size, -S
llvm-nm command line option
--radix=RADIX, -t
llvm-nm command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
llvm-nm command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
--undefined-only, -u
llvm-nm command line option
command line option
command line option, [1]
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
-a, --all
command line option
-a, --all-blocks
llvm-cov-gcov command line option
-a, --show-all
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-profdata-show command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
-analysis-espilon=<dbscan epsilon parameter>
command line option
command line option
-analysis-numpoints=<dbscan numPoints parameter>
command line option
llvm-cov-export command line option
llvm-cov-report command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
-asmparsernum N
tblgen command line option
-asmwriternum N
tblgen command line option
-B (default)
llvm-nm command line option
-b, --branch-probabilities
llvm-cov-gcov command line option
command line option
-binary (default)
llvm-profdata-merge command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
-c, --branch-counts
llvm-cov-gcov command line option
-c, --show-children
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
-class className
tblgen command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-profdata-show command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
llvm-bcanalyzer command line option
tblgen command line option
command line option
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
-elf-section-groups, -g
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
command line option, [1]
-f <name>, --find=<name>
command line option
-f, --flat
command line option
-f, --function-summaries
llvm-cov-gcov command line option
-F, --show-form
command line option
command line option
-file-headers, -h
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
-filetype=<output file type>
command line option
command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
llvm-profdata-show command line option
command line option
llvm-profdata-merge command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
-h, --help
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]
llvm-bcanalyzer command line option
llvm-nm command line option
llvm-profdata-merge command line option
llvm-profdata-show command line option
tblgen command line option
-I directory
tblgen command line option
-i, --ignore-case
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-cov-export command line option
llvm-cov-report command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
command line option
-input-files=path, -f=path
llvm-profdata-merge command line option
-instr (default)
llvm-profdata-merge command line option
llvm-profdata-show command line option
command line option
command line option
-iterations=<number of iterations>
command line option
-j <n>, --num-threads=<n>
command line option
-j N, --threads=N
command line option
command line option
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
-l, --long-file-names
llvm-cov-gcov command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
command line option
command line option
-lqueue=<load queue size>
command line option
command line option, [1]
command line option
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1]
command line option
command line option
llvm-profdata-show command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
-mtriple=<target triple>
command line option, [1]
-mtriple=target triple
command line option
-n <pattern>, --name=<pattern>
command line option
-n, --no-output
llvm-cov-gcov command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
command line option
llvm-bcanalyzer command line option
command line option
-num-repetitions=<Number of repetition>
command line option
-num-threads=N, -j=N
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-profdata-merge command line option
-o <filename>
command line option, [1]
-o <path>, --out-file=<path>
command line option
-o filename
command line option, [1]
tblgen command line option
-o=<DIR|FILE>, --object-directory=<DIR>, --object-file=<FILE>
llvm-cov-gcov command line option
command line option
command line option
-opcode-index=<LLVM opcode index>
command line option
-opcode-name=<LLVM opcode name>
command line option
-output-asm-variant=<variant id>
command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
-output=output, -o=output
llvm-profdata-merge command line option
llvm-profdata-show command line option
llvm-nm command line option
command line option
-p, --preserve-paths
llvm-cov-gcov command line option
-p, --show-parents
command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-pdbutil-merge command line option
llvm-pdbutil-yaml2pdb command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
tblgen command line option
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
-q, --quiet
command line option
-r <n>, --recurse-depth=<n>
command line option
command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
-relocations, -r
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option, [1]
-s, --succinct
command line option
-s, --symtab
command line option
llvm-profdata-merge command line option
llvm-profdata-show command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
-section-data, -sd
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
-section-relocations, -sr
command line option
-section-symbols, -st
command line option
-sections, -s
command line option
-seed seed
command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-cov-report command line option
llvm-cov-report command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
-size size
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
command line option
llvm-profdata-merge command line option
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
-squeue=<store queue size>
command line option
command line option
command line option, [1]
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-cov-export command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
-symbols, -t
command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-profdata-merge command line option
llvm-profdata-show command line option
command line option, [1]
command line option
command line option
command line option
llvm-profdata-show command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
-u, --unconditional-branches
llvm-cov-gcov command line option
-u, --update
command line option
-u, --uuid
command line option
-unwind, -u
command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-cov-report command line option
command line option
command line option, [1]
-v, --verbose
command line option, [1], [2]
llvm-bcanalyzer command line option
command line option
command line option, [1], [2]
llvm-cov-gcov command line option
tblgen command line option
command line option
-vv, --echo-all-commands
command line option
llvm-profdata-merge command line option
-x, --regex
command line option
command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
command line option
-z, --minimize
command line option


command line option
--arch=<arch>, [1]
--check-prefix prefix
--check-prefixes prefix1,prefix2,...
--debug-abbrev, --debug-aranges, --debug-cu-index, --debug-frame [=<offset>], --debug-gnu-pubnames, --debug-gnu-pubtypes, --debug-info [=<offset>], --debug-line [=<offset>], --debug-loc [=<offset>], --debug-macro, --debug-pubnames, --debug-pubtypes, --debug-ranges, --debug-str, --debug-str-offsets, --debug-tu-index, --debug-types, --eh-frame, --gdb-index, --apple-names, --apple-types, --apple-namespaces, --apple-objc
--implicit-check-not check-pattern
--input-file filename
--version, [1]
-F, --show-form
-S, [1]
-a, --all
-a, --show-all
-analysis-espilon=<dbscan epsilon parameter>
-analysis-numpoints=<dbscan numPoints parameter>
-c, --show-children
-elf-section-groups, -g
-f, [1]
-f <name>, --find=<name>
-f, --flat
-file-headers, -h
-filetype=<output file type>
-h, --help, [1]
-help, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]
-i, --ignore-case
-iterations=<number of iterations>
-j <n>, --num-threads=<n>
-j N, --threads=N
-lqueue=<load queue size>
-march=<arch>, [1]
-mattr=a1,+a2,-a3,..., [1]
-mcpu=<cpuname>, [1]
-mtriple=<target triple>, [1]
-mtriple=target triple
-n <pattern>, --name=<pattern>
-num-repetitions=<Number of repetition>
-o <filename>, [1]
-o <path>, --out-file=<path>
-o filename, [1]
-opcode-index=<LLVM opcode index>
-opcode-name=<LLVM opcode name>
-output-asm-variant=<variant id>
-p, --show-parents
-q, --quiet
-r <n>, --recurse-depth=<n>
-relocations, -r
-s, --succinct
-s, --symtab
-section-data, -sd
-section-relocations, -sr
-section-symbols, -st
-sections, -s
-seed seed
-size size
-squeue=<store queue size>
-stats, [1]
-symbols, -t
-time-passes, [1]
-u, --update
-u, --uuid
-unwind, -u
-v, [1]
-v, --verbose, [1], [2]
-version, [1], [2]
-vv, --echo-all-commands
-x, --regex
-z, --minimize


llvm-bcanalyzer command line option
llvm-cov-export command line option
llvm-cov-gcov command line option
-a, --all-blocks
-b, --branch-probabilities
-c, --branch-counts
-f, --function-summaries
-l, --long-file-names
-n, --no-output
-o=<DIR|FILE>, --object-directory=<DIR>, --object-file=<FILE>
-p, --preserve-paths
-u, --unconditional-branches
llvm-cov-report command line option
llvm-cov-show command line option
-num-threads=N, -j=N
llvm-nm command line option
--debug-syms, -a
--dynamic, -D
--extern-only, -g
--format=format, -f format
--no-sort, -p
--no-weak, -W
--numeric-sort, -n, -v
--print-file-name, -A, -o
--print-size, -S
--radix=RADIX, -t
--undefined-only, -u
-B (default)
llvm-pdbutil-bytes command line option
llvm-pdbutil-dump command line option
llvm-pdbutil-merge command line option
llvm-pdbutil-pretty command line option
llvm-pdbutil-yaml2pdb command line option
llvm-profdata-merge command line option
-binary (default)
-input-files=path, -f=path
-instr (default)
-num-threads=N, -j=N
-output=output, -o=output
llvm-profdata-show command line option
-instr (default)
-output=output, -o=output


tblgen command line option
-I directory
-asmparsernum N
-asmwriternum N
-class className
-o filename