Syntax of gfx1011 and gfx1012 Instructions


This document describes the syntax of instructions specific to gfx1011 and gfx1012.

For a description of other gfx1011 and gfx1012 instructions see Syntax of Core GFX10 Instructions.


Notation used in this document is explained here.


An overview of generic syntax and other features of AMDGPU instructions may be found in this document.



INSTRUCTION            DST      SRC0         SRC1         MODIFIERS
v_dot2c_f32_f16_dpp    vdst,    vsrc0:f16x2, vsrc1:f16x2  dpp16_ctrl row_mask bank_mask bound_ctrl fi
v_dot4c_i32_i8_dpp     vdst,    vsrc0:i8x4,  vsrc1:i8x4   dpp16_ctrl row_mask bank_mask bound_ctrl fi


INSTRUCTION                    DST       SRC0         SRC1             MODIFIERS
v_dot2c_f32_f16_dpp            vdst,     vsrc0:f16x2, vsrc1:f16x2      dpp8_sel fi
v_dot4c_i32_i8_dpp             vdst,     vsrc0:i8x4,  vsrc1:i8x4       dpp8_sel fi


INSTRUCTION                    DST       SRC0        SRC1
v_dot2c_f32_f16                vdst,     src0:f16x2, vsrc1:f16x2
v_dot4c_i32_i8                 vdst,     src0:i8x4,  vsrc1:i8x4


INSTRUCTION                    DST       SRC0        SRC1        SRC2           MODIFIERS
v_dot2_f32_f16                 vdst,     src0:f16x2, src1:f16x2, src2:f32       neg_lo neg_hi clamp
v_dot2_i32_i16                 vdst,     src0:i16x2, src1:i16x2, src2:i32       clamp
v_dot2_u32_u16                 vdst,     src0:u16x2, src1:u16x2, src2:u32       clamp
v_dot4_i32_i8                  vdst,     src0:i8x4,  src1:i8x4,  src2:i32       clamp
v_dot4_u32_u8                  vdst,     src0:u8x4,  src1:u8x4,  src2:u32       clamp
v_dot8_i32_i4                  vdst,     src0:i4x8,  src1:i4x8,  src2:i32       clamp
v_dot8_u32_u4                  vdst,     src0:u4x8,  src1:u4x8,  src2:u32       clamp